New super mario bros ds world 7-2 star coins
New super mario bros ds world 7-2 star coins

new super mario bros ds world 7-2 star coins

The Star Coin should be right in your path. After bouncing from the tallest pink mushroom, simply hover to the right.Jump up from the Spin Block to the right of the first Star Coin, then bounce on the pink mushroom above to reach an even higher platform with the next Star Coin.The Star Coin can be found hovering above a mushroom. Go right from the start until you hit the wall, then use the Spin Block to launch yourself upward.Look for an opening in the blocks and get to the Star Coin to the left od the door. At the boss door is a chaotic combination of stone blocks.Jump across several stone blocks with spikes below them to reach an alcove with the Star Coin.Wait until the stone block above it retract into the wall before jumping down and taking it. Ground pound any of the other blocks and climb down the vine to find the Star Coin. In the flagpole area, ground pound the leftmost brick block to make a vine grow into it.Hop off a Paratroopa or use the wave in the Mega Wiggler's movement to jump up to it. This Star Coin is floating above a pretty high platform.

new super mario bros ds world 7-2 star coins

The Star Coin is above a brick block platform, guarded by a Boomerang Bro.Near the exit pipe is a Star Coin surrounded by a swarm of Paratroopas.Throw its shell onto the floor of brick blocks to the left and it will collect the Star Coin for you. Upon seeing a Star Coin surrounded by blocks, get a shell from a Paratroopa nearby.The Star Coin can be seen surrounded by brick blocks near the beginning of the lift ride.When you see some brick block platforms forming steps upward, jump up them to get to the ceiling. The Star Coin can be obtained by jumping from one of the crests of the wavy goo below. Go into the left door from the starting room.Go into the top door from the starting room and ground pound the goo to reach the Star Coin.After the checkpoint, stay on the platform moving along the top track and be ready to jump when you pass by the Star Coin.After passing under a wall of large blocks, jump on to the flying question mark block and ride it until you reach a warp pipe.Wait until the platform falls to the lower track before attempting to get it. Between two tracks used by the second moving platform.

New super mario bros ds world 7-2 star coins